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Mini's Scoreboard is designed to encourage genuine, consistent activity on your server by dynamically adjusting scores and ranks based on current engagement levels.
With Mini, you gain points by posting in text channels, being in voice chat (unmuted with at least one other person) and playing party games together. However, unlike other bots that just hand out points to members when they're active, Mini also takes away points from those no longer engaged with the community. This feature is called Score Decay, and you cen find out more about it in the Score Decay section below.
Mini automatically starts tracking scores as soon as you add it to your server, and server members can check their own score (or anyone else's) with the /score command. However, you will need to perform some additional setup to use the Live Scoreboard and take full advantage of Mini's ranking system. Use the command /mini settings and open the Scoreboard tab to create a channel for the Live Scoreboard. For more details on how it works, check out the Live Scoreboard section below. For information on how you can manage ranks for server members with high scores, check out the Ranks & Roles page.
The concept is simple: as long as you show up regularly and interact with others through messages, voice chat or party games, you have a good standing on the leaderboard. Once you stop, your score will drop using an exponential decay function, and other server members have a chance to catch up to you more easily. That way, the leaderboard is a reflection of who is actually currently active on the server, not who used to be once upon a time.
And if someone is getting too active, you can set daily, weekly or monthly limits on all different activities that bring scores.
Take a look at this graph of a user's score with Mini compared to a regular activity bot. The blue line represents how active the user actually is, the yellow line represents their cumulative score and the green line represents their score on Mini's scoreboard.
Note that on day 90 the user has been basically completely inactive for over a month, yet with a regular activity bot, they would still have a score high enough that it would take weeks to catch up to them! In contrast, Mini's exponential decay function took away most of their points, making it easy for currently active members to rise to the top instead.
Mini offers a live updating scoreboard for your server that lives in its own dedicated channel. To get started, open /mini settings and select the Scoreboard tab. From there, you can let Mini create a new text channel for the Live Scoreboard. The channel is read-only by default — use it as such! It's an easily accessible way to always see the top scores on your server, without having to scroll to a pinned message or run a command in the chat.
The Scoreboard updates whenever a user on your server is awarded points for activity such as playing a game or sending a message. During periods of inactivity, the Live Scoreboard updates every 10 minutes to stay in sync with ongoing Score Decay. The Scoreboard includes a timestamp at the top to let you know when it was last updated — if that was more than 10 minutes ago, it's a sign that something is wrong! Unless Mini is down for maintenance, this indicates that the bot no longer has the required permissions to either view the channel or edit the message. In that case, you may have to go back to the Settings page and reconfigure your Live Scoreboard.
You can choose to show between 5 and 20 server members on the Scoreboard. Additionally, you can set Mini to display the server's Ranks and corresponding roles below the Scoreboard. These options can be found under /mini settings and the Scoreboard tab.